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Future Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Learning

While educators may legitimately debate strategies and methods of education, all agree that participation in the world of the 21st century will demand technology competence. The use of technology is essential in teaching communications, mathematics and science. It is no less important in the arts. Currently in American education, we are experiencing a shift in goals and strategies from teaching the basics to using vast amounts of information. Now more than ever, this change requires students to use technology to solve problems, make meaningful decisions and think creatively. Instead of just learning discrete and isolated facts, students need to acquire skills for applying information whatever the subject matter.

We know that technology is an important tool that can improve our educational system, but today we face the challenge of integrating technology into the delivery of content. Our effective use of technology in the educational process will shift our instructional content from data and information to useful knowledge. It will be an opportunity for students and teachers to access, analyze and apply information—to create new ideas by giving functionality to facts. Digital technologies in all content areas can enhance student achievement by addressing introductory and advanced skills, assessment of student progress and student motivation.

Technology in K-12 arts education can be thought of as applied science (anything that uses science to achieve a desired result). It is an extension of a person’s capabilities as well as a way of expanding his/her ability to learn. In the past evolving technology has always played an important part in the historical development of the arts. Technology has provided the tools, processes, and materials that assist artists in their creative expression. For example, the record player in music and the camera in visual arts are instances in which technology changed people’s understanding of art.

The arts are crucial components of the K-12 curriculum and require serious study. Music, theatre, the visual arts and dance are basic means of communications. They develop higher order thinking skills while engaging students in a variety of learning styles. These unique experiences integrate learning with other content areas by showing connections. The arts develop discipline while preparing students for their adult lives. Arts education enables students to acquire aesthetic 3 judgment which affects both individual and group decisions about our society. Students who experience the arts are able to solve problems, make meaningful decisions and think creatively.

Now the potential of digital technologies, specifically computers, video and telecommunications have the same power to redefine students’ creative expression and understanding of the arts. The applications of these and future technologies will not only redefine what constitutes art, but they should be an essential part of the evolving K-12 curriculum. These newer digital technologies related to the arts force students to be active participants in the learning and creation of the arts disciplines; therefore, it is imperative that arts educators develop a philosophy and incorporate technology with the learning process. Teachers need to create new learning opportunities not just automate the existing curriculum.



Website TitleRemake Learning

Article TitleHow Technology is Moving Arts Education Beyond the Classroom

Date PublishedAugust 21, 2013

Date AccessedJuly 01, 2017


Website TitleThe Art of Ed

Article TitleWhat is the Perfect Balance of Technology in the Art Room?

Date PublishedFebruary 17, 2016

Date AccessedJuly 01, 2017


Website TitleGoogle Sites

Article TitleTechnology in the Art Classroom - iPad Multimedia Tools

Date AccessedJuly 01, 2017



Article Title7 Ways Technology is Changing How Art is Made

Date PublishedAugust 27, 2014

Date AccessedJuly 01, 2017


Website TitleThe Guardian

Article TitleHow has technology transformed the role of a teacher?

Date PublishedJune 18, 2013

Date AccessedJuly 01, 2017

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