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Mobile Learning for 21st Century Classroom


More and more schools are moving toward mobile learning in the classroom as a way to take advantage of a new wave of electronic devices that offer portability and ease of use on a budget. Netbooks, iPads, cell phones, iPods, e-readers and even PDAs are increasingly becoming the tools of choice for today's educators, and it is easy to see why.

Mobile learning technologies offer teachers-and students-a more flexible approach to learning. With mobile learning devices the teachers have flexibility to teach the lessons not only in the classroom but also in the school garden, in the study hall, in the gym and even on field trips.

In 2001, Marc Prensky warned us, "Our students have changed radically. Today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach." He went on to describe how these "digital natives" are being exposed to more gadgets and technology than was ever thought possible. This is having a profound effect on the ways in which children learn. They are more engaged in learning when using the latest technological gadgets, because it is what they are most used to interacting with. Our students don't just want mobile learning, they need it.

Mobile Activity in Art Lesson

For this specific activity, I used mobile applications for self-portrait project in Pop-Art style. This project takes several steps and one of the steps require use mobile applications. During this project the students will explore historical and cultural context of Pop-Art. To create Pop-Art style project the students will take several steps.Bellow I will describe my lesson in details.

Objectives of this lesson:

  • Create images that resemble Andy Warhol style Pop-Art by using mobile applications

  • Learn about the expressive qualities of colors

  • Apply their knowledge of tempera paint

  • Understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

  • Teaching Strategies and Related Student Activities

Step 1. Warm-up drawing

Students will be working on their Scribble Art drawing for 5 min.

Step 2. Review vocabulary

Students will review vocabulary from previous lesson. Then the students will learn about Andy Warhol. I will discuss about Andy Warhol, his biography, printmaking technique and his contribution to Pop-Art. The students will watch YouTube video “Andy Warhol painter for children”

Step 3. First part of the project by using digital tools and apps

Students will use their mobiles to take a picture of themselves then they will use mobile applications such as "SketchPad" and "Sketch Guru" to change the actual photo to the sketched picture. Then they will save their picture on Google Drive to print out on A3 watercolor paper. I would like to share a video that I made to show specificaly this part of the instruction. I wasn't able to show in the classroom with real students therefore my uncle and aunty helped me with this video.

Step 4. Step 3. Starting Pop –Art project.

The students will paint their pictures by contrasting the colors.This is individual work but I will let the students to talk and help each other with applying and contrasting the colors. The students will start their pop-art style painting. They will use their worksheet from previous lesson as a guide to paint.

Step 5. Self-reflection.

End of the project the students will give art critique on their own projects and on the projects of their peers. They will use art critique sheets as a guide for their self/peer reflection.

In the end, I would like to share one of my video lessons of Pop-Art project. This video will demonstrate how did I apply activities above on my lesson. Pop-Art project took two weeks and the students worked on this project every day. Also, I took several videos of this project and I won't be able to show all videos therefore, I decided to show last day of the Pop-Art project.

SMART Objectives

Spesific- The obejctives are spesific and align with the lesson being taught.

Measurable- The objectives are mesuarable and will be assessed using formative and summative assessments. Also, during the project the students will be using a rubric to guide to reach their goal. End of project the students will give self-reflection to see if they achieved their goal or if they need some more improvement.

Achievable- The lessosns are scaffolded to help the students to achieve their goals. Also, during this project in every lessons the teacher provides to the students visual support such as: Youtube videos, images from online museums, and displayed classroom pitures.

Realistic- The objectives are relevant. End of the project the students will be able to produce self-portrait poster in Pop-Art style by combining old traditional art with technology.

Time-Related-The students will be able to complete their project within 2 weeks. The given time frame is relevant with this project.

Over all, I would like to add an art classroom can be an enhanced atmosphere of deepened critical thinking, authentic collaboration and communication, intense creativity and uninhibited curiosity through the addition of digital resources and technology. It is through a combination of resourceful instructional strategies (rooted in traditional, researched pedagogy) and high-quality digital media resources that students can continue to strive towards these goals.



Website TitleThe Art of Ed

Article TitleWhat is the Perfect Balance of Technology in the Art Room?

Date PublishedFebruary 17, 2016

Date AccessedJune 08, 2017


Website TitleMobile Learning Technologies for 21st Century Classrooms |

Article TitleMobile Learning Technologies for 21st Century Classrooms

Date AccessedJune 08, 2017

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