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Standards and Backwards Mapping

Elementary Art Grade -3

School Standard

The Student Will create, produce, and complete various works of art using an assortment of art materials and tools using some of the elements and principles of art into various artworks.

Works of art are unique arrangements of the obvious and the not so obvious. In order to understand any art onject, you must be willing to go beyond the obvious and examine the not so obvious as well. You need to know what to look for; you must understand the language of art. Art has a language of its own: words that refer to the visual elements, or basic parts, and the principles, the various ways of putting these parts together.

Elements and Principles of Art.

One of the most important things to look for in works of art is the way those works have been designed, or planned. This involves knowing what the elements and principles of art are and how they are used to create art objects.

The elements of art are the basic componets, or building blocks: color, value, line, texture, shape, form, and space. Artist use the elements of art to express their ideas. These elements are not the media the artist uses-paint or clay or stone, for example-but the visual vocabulary used by the artist.

The principles of art the different ways the elements can be used in a work of art: balance, emphasis, harmony, variety, gradation, movement, rhythm, and proportion.

We can make a comparison with writers who must do more than just select and randomly arrange words if they are to communicate their ideas to others. The elements of art can be compared to words. how writers organize those words is similar to using the principles of art. Writers form phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. Then they must carefully arrange these into meaningful sequences. The words must be organized so that readers can understand and appreciate their ideas.

Proficiencies that indicate what students will be able to do when they finish this unit.

  • Combine art elements and principles to produce a successful work of art.

  • Analyze how successful works of art achieve unity by using the elements and principles of art.

  • Explain how the principles of art are used to organize the elements of art.


I would create a quiz to assess student understanding of the elements and principles of art. Quiz would require the following:

  • Demonstrate and explain works of art that include some of the elements and principles of art.

  • Make a list of all the elements of art.

  • Make a list of the principles of art.


The students will choose five elements and create a design using simple art materials. The students evaluate their design to determine how they used the tools of balance, emphasis, harmony, variety, movement, and proportion. The students will display their design and describe how they used the principles in creating their design.

The teacher guide students to examine artworks in this lesson and throughout the text. The teacher let students notice the different ways artists use principles to organize the elements of art.

The students use small pieces of sponge, dip into primary colors and black and white to create their paintings. The students create a paintings using color as the means to express a mood or thought. They will display their paintings and describe their use of color.

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