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Managing the Learning Environment/ Reflection on Concerns/Fears

Discipline often comes to mind at the mention of classroom management, but the crucial component of teaching is much more. Classroom management creates a set of expectations used in an organized classroom environment. It includes routines, rules and consequences. Effective classroom management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning.

A disorganized classroom without routines and expectations makes it difficult for the teacher to do her job. Students don't know what to do, so they might get off task or cause disruptions. When the teacher is constantly redirecting students or handling behavior problems, she loses crucial teaching time. Classroom management strategies help create an organized classroom environment that's conducive to teaching. Kids know the expectations in different types of learning situations. For example, kids would know that when working in small groups, they talk in quiet voices and take turns talking. They might each have a specific job within the group.

My Concerns/Fears regarding managing the learning environment.

One of my concerns is controlling my voice. I noticed, when I am frustrated or classroom is getting to noisy, my voice gets high too. Right now this situation in control because I have classroom teacher who always reminds me to lower my voice.

As research shows, raising our voice to get student’s attention is not the best approach, and the stress it causes and the vibe it puts in the room just isn’t worth it. The students will mirror teacher’s voice level, so teachers should avoid using that semi-shouting voice. If we want kids to talk at a normal, pleasant volume, we must do the same.

So, I consider raising my voice as a part which would affect my teaching and managing classroom behavior. Also, I consider this is my weakest part that I need to improve to have a successful learning environment.

One of my fears that I am afraid to face is the students with ADHD symptoms. In my teaching experience, I never had the students with symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity.

In this module, I learned a lot how to manage classroom behavior with like this student, but I am afraid when I will face a situation where I have to help the student who is frustrated or in panic, I am not sure that I can handle the situation. This is my biggest worry.

I am confident

I am confident that I can well organize classroom rules and procedures to help students feel secure and comfortable. A well-organized classroom with routines and rituals helps students feel more safe. Students need structure. The routines and rituals of a well-managed classroom allow more time for learning. Teachers spend more time teaching and less time getting class started. Students are more easily engaged and less distracted in an organized, well-managed classroom, so the learning environment is greatly enhanced.

When rules and consequences are clear, teachers do not have to nag and discipline students as often. This helps prevent fatigue and teacher burnout from occurring, and it allows the teacher to have better, more positive rapport with the students. Both students and teachers enjoy the educational process more.

Professional development activities

At the present time, in regards to professional development activities I participated in some activities such as watching videos and observing other teachers classrooms. Observations of other teachers’ classroom gave me many good and effective strategies that I can implement in my classroom. Observing other teachers’ classroom was great experience for me that helped me develop my teaching. Other professional development activities that were helpful were watching videos. I learned a lot from these videos as to how to manage classroom behavior. Most of these videos I saved in my computer because I think they are very useful now and they will be helpful in future. Here is one of my favorite videos that changed my relationship with the students.


In a well-managed classroom, discipline issues are more quickly spotted and addressed. Issues are less likely to get out of hand or become volatile. Students are more likely to feel they are treated fairly because they understand the policies from the beginning. Classroom management gives students parameters that help them feel a measure of control over their environment. When students know the rules and consequences of breaking the rules, what happens to them is within their control. So, as a teacher I will do my best to well manage the classroom and provide high quality of education to the students.



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Website TitleWhy is classroom management important?


Article TitleWhy Classroom Management Is Important

Website TitleWhy Classroom Management Is Important

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