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Special Needs Students

Before we begin to discuss what special education and where it is taken and why, I would like to clarify who are the children with disabilities.

Children with disabilities – is children that having a temporary or permanent disorders in physical or mental development and the need special conditions in education.

Common special needs are:

  • physical disabilities

  • learning disabilities

  • communication disorders

  • emotional and behavioral disorders

  • developmental disabilities

Physical Developmental Emotional and Disabilities Disabilities Behavioral Disorders

Muscular Dystrophy Down Syndrome Bipolarize

Multiple Sclerosis Autism Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Chronic Astma Dyslexia

Epilepsy Processing Disorders

Muscular Dystrophy          Multiple Sclerosis  Chronic Astma  Epilepsy

Learning Communication

Disabilities Disabilities

Dyslexia Speech and Language Disorders

Dyscalculia Aphasia

Dyspraxia Articulation Disorders

Dysgraphia Dysarthia

Non Verbal Leraning Neurogenic Speech

Children with disabilities have learning difficulties so they need special education.Special education is about teaching these children in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. Also, special education is specially designed instruction, support, and services provided to students with an identified disability requiring an individually designed instructional program to meet their unique learning needs. There are three main things that special needs students need:

Special education teachers

Special education teachers work with children who have emotional and physical disabilities or learning problems. Special Education Teachers teach students course curriculum at each student’s pace and help students develop basic life skills so they can function independently beyond the classroom.

Special need equipments

The list of safe and comfortable adaptive equipment for special needs kids is endless. Some of these include car seats, strollers, pushchairs, walkers, gait trainers, sleeping aids, tables, chairs, bathing aids, swings, digital tools, digital pathways etc.

Specially designed instructional programs

Special education is specially designed instruction, support, and services provided to students with an identified disability requiring an individually designed instructional program to meet their unique learning needs.

Schools provide special education services as:

Regular classroom

Regular classroom with assistance

Resource room

Separate school or Special school

Special Education Needs in the USA

The USA in one of the countries where the education system is well develop for kids with disabilities. Since they pass the low in 1975 there no discrimination against students with disabilities. Schools are equipped with digital tools and digital pathways to comfort students with special needs. There are certified teachers who can identify students problems and can guide them on right direction. Special education teachers know how to work with these kids to be prepared for tomorrow life. By watching videos about special need kids in the USA schools I was surprised how many incredible digital tools and pathways the USA created to make special need kids

learning comfortable and effective. Strategies like:

Take each child individually depend on their needs

Keep small size classroom sizes so every special need child get enough attention, makes teaching effective for those kids. With the education system in the USA for students special need, probably most of these kids (compare with some other countries) will be capable to work and take care of themselves in future.

Finland’s Formula for School Success

In my opinion Finland education system is great for students’ success. I was surprise to know that Finland has one of the shortest school days but one of the successful students in the world in Finland. Students don’t do homework because they value more time for family and friends. They believe that students come to school because they want not because they have to. So, the main concern of Finish schools is to keep students happy.

How do they help and support special needs kids?

In the video that I watched about schools In Finland I notice that the support for special needs kids is incredible. Some ideas they use for special needs students success are:

  • Finish educators believe that 90 percent of students can succeed in regular classrooms if they get the emotional, academic, or health and medical help they need.

  • For students in Finland who need extra help a special education teacher will be provided who helps identify the student’s needs.

  • They detect students’ problems in early childhood and help them as soon as possible.

Over all, the main thing what I noticed is they really CARE about kids. Their ideas about how to teach special needs students would be great to use in some other countries where they don’t have a good methods of teaching for special needs students.

Kazakhstan Education System for Special Needs Children.

Before I started my blog about programs in Kazakhstan for special needs children I decided do a little bit of research and this is what I found out:

  • Special needs children are not allowed to go to regular public schools. No matter if it is a physical disability or mental problem.

  • There are no programs that consider each student individually. All students with disabilities go through the same learning program.

  • For the students with physical disabilities that can’t move independently they have home education program where teachers should visit those students once a week. ( Special education teachers should but in fact not always or not that often they will do)

  • The schools for special needs students don’t use any digital pathways or special digital tools.

Over all, I can say special needs students in this part of the world face discrimination in society. Even schools that could let these students come and join parents of “healthy” students will not let that happen. They think a special needs child could negatively affect a normal child. Students with physical disabilities can’t go by themselves to schools because there are no special busses for them, streets are not maintained for special needs people. By looking these facts it is to scary to talk about their future.

I would like to share with you one of the places where kids with disabilities will go after they turn 18 years old. This in Russia. Here they will stay from 18 to rest of their life.

UNESCO, and Some Other Worldwide Organizations.

Kazakhstan is not only one country where kids with disabilities have a bad condition of life. There are 93 million children with disabilities around the world who needs a help. Therefore, worldwide organizations like UN, UNESCO every year provide some help and support. For example in my country (Kyrgyzstan), UN every year send volunteers to educate people against discrimination kids with disabilities. Two years ago UN donates several electrical wheelchairs for kids with physical disabilities in rural areas. Now those kids for 50 percent independent. Now they don’t have to sit at home all day long. So, with those programs and support from international organizations, maybe someday this part of the world will use great digital tools and pathways for students with disabilities like in the USA and great ideas and teaching strategies like in Finland. By finishing my topic about education system for students with special needs in the world I would like to say “There is always hope”.


Article Title: Finland's Formula for School Success (Education Everywhere Series)

Website Title: YouTube


Article Title: SCHOOL OF ONE

Website Title: YouTube


Article Title: Детям-инвалидам в школе не место? - Новости Кыргызстана


Article Title: Special education in the United States

Website Title: Wikipedia


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